


对大多数护士来说, 工作地点是诊所或医院的分院, 但对一些人来说, 地点可以有很大的不同. 学校护士, 运动治疗护士, traveling nurses all may do their work in a variety of surroundings. But no surroundings change quite as much as they do for the nurses of Hollywood studios.

Set Nurses 和 Medical Script Nurses both play very important roles behind the scenes of Hollywood’s big movies 和 prime time television shows, 和 it’s not just tending to the health needs of the stars.


电影集, 尽管有安全规定, 还会是危险的地方吗, 和 studios need qualified staff on h和 in case something goes wrong.  灯光会熄灭, 梯子会倾斜, 特技可能会出错, 和 those are just during the domestic shoots—imagine the trouble actors 和 crew can get into while shooting on location in, 说, 沙漠的酷热或严寒, 山顶稀薄的空气.

片场护士不仅仅是电影项目需要的. Concert tours also hire nurses to be on st和by in case of accidents or other medical emergencies.


很少有编剧也上过医学院, so when it comes to writing stories in medical settings (《bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载》《bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全》《bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全》《bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全》 等.), they often need a little help making sure their stories 和 facts are accurate. 这就是医疗脚本护士的用武之地. 他或她本质上是一个顾问, reading the scripts 和 offering feedback if the story strays too far from medical reality.

This may sound like a far cry from directly helping patients, but believe it or not, the work is 至关重要的. Millions of people watch the medical movies 和 television shows that Hollywood churns out, 和 those shows can easily color the perception that viewers have of healthcare.


在极少数情况下, people who are celebrities today were discovered while they themselves were wearing scrubs. 这里有几个人开始了他们的 护士职业:

  • 保罗·勃兰特(歌手,前儿科护士)
  • 邦妮·亨特(女演员,第一次出现在银幕上是在 雨人 当我还是肿瘤科护士的时候)
  • 朱莉·沃尔特斯(Julie Walters),最著名的角色是“Mrs. 韦斯莱从 哈利波特, 前护士)
  • 凯瑟琳·乔斯滕(女演员,以 《bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载》《bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载》 《bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载》(前精神科护士)
  • Tina Turner (actress 和 singer, former maternity ward nurse)
  • 罗宾·奎佛斯(DJ,前军医)
  • 阿德里安·霍姆斯(演员,前护士)
  • 娜奥米·贾德(歌手,前重症监护室护士)

底线是需要护士 到处都是——有时在镜头后面, 有时在它面前, 和 you never know where that nursing degree will take you until you try.

If you are interested in beginning your own career as a nurse or medical assistant, bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全可以帮助你实现这个梦想. 立即bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全 了解更多信息.